Values are one’s judgment of what is important. Values help guide our decisions. There are many values that resonate with people. However, in order to be more useful, it helps to narrow down the list of values to what is most meaningful and easy to remember.
There are five core Scrum Values. They are essential to effectively using the Scrum framework to creatively and productively solve complex problems and deliver high value products.
When I first saw these values, I recognized that they align with what I already value in my life. That is why I shifted my career direction to become a Scrum Master and worked hard to become a certified Professional Scrum Trainer with Scrum.org.
Scrum without these values guiding decision-making and interactions is often referred to as “mechanical Scrum.” Just going through the motions will not reap the full benefits of the framework and will not maximize agility. The same is true in all aspects of life. If we are out of alignment with our values, we can feel off-balance, stressed, and unhappy.
Of course sometimes it’s challenging to live our values. There are both external pressures and pressures we place on ourselves to do everything, to be everything, to please everyone.
I have made a lifestyle change and started a new business to enable more focus, openness, commitment, courage, and respect.
I will focus on improving my skills as a trainer, a speaker, and a writer. I will focus on being more engaged in the agile community. I am no longer going to try to fit these activities in around full-time consulting. I will focus on one thing at a time and reduce distractions.
I will allow more space in my schedule in order to be open to new and exciting opportunities. This is going to be very challenging. If you know me well, you probably also know that I schedule EVERYTHING. I schedule time to read a book. I even schedule time to do nothing. I will no longer try to “maximize my day” every single day. I will be open to letting things unfold. I do not know exactly where this path will take me, and that is the point. I will be open to new ideas and different perspectives.
I will commit to living an agile, integrated life. I will commit to giving more to my relationships. I will commit to being curious and taking steps to grow. I will commit to living a simpler life.
I will have the courage to say no to things that do not align with my values. I will have the courage to take risks like putting my ideas out in the world. I will have the courage to stretch myself, to try new things. I will have the courage to ask for help.
I will respect different perspectives and seek to learn from them. I will respect the humanity of individuals I come across in my daily life. I will not be rushed to look through people and see them as service providers. This will be a tough one; I am not a patient person. I will respect the environment by reducing my consumption and educating myself.
The first big step in living my values more fully was to leave a great job working with wonderful people. The second big step is launching this website. I hope you will follow me on this journey and gain value from what I am creating.
Take a moment and think about your values.
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